Mobile Faster As PWAs Blur Lines Between Sites and Apps
Written by Walter Umana on Oct. 20th 2019
Mobile eCommerce is about to get much, much faster and more fluid.

“It’s a site, it’s an app – no, it’s both.” PWAs are changing how eCommerce and mobile coexist. Brands and retailers will begin moving from sites and apps to a new standard; the Progressive Web App – a hybrid between sites and apps which combine the upsides of each and does away with the limitations.
PWA Features:

    -Load 2 to 10 times faster than mobile sites
    -Have offline capability
    -Can be added to the home screen without ever requiring updating
    -Allow push notifications

“Apps as we know them are going extinct. The average mobile user downloads 0 apps per month.”

PWAs create fast-loading, compelling mobile experiences, similar to what brands and retailers achieve with a native app—while also being discoverable and accessible to everyone via the mobile web. No need to market your app; your mobile site is an app.
PWA works by transferring the workload to the device, instead of relying on the web server for every page, layout, click and image, creating a standard experience, regardless of browser, device type and connection.

West Elm’s PWA provides a near-instant browsing experience. The furniture and home decor brand saw a 15% increase in time spent on site and a 9% lift in revenue per visit.
When Lancôme rebuilt its mobile site as a PWA, conversions went up 17% and mobile sessions increased 51%. Push notifications led to an increase in recovered carts.

Walter Umana

Walter Umana helps ecommerce and info product businesses scale agressivetely to 7 & 8 figures a years with his proven system. He is an expert at helping businesses get clients and sales using online methods and making things super simple to understand.
If you're interested in scaling your business to 7 & 8 figures a year then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.
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